6.22.2020 – “Healing Heart” Is Live!!
By kfwenzel on June 22, 2020 - Category: News

Healing Heart – my first release in almost six years – is now out on itunes, Amazon, and Spotify!!
Healing Heart…
I wrote this song on a Sunday night in early May, deep in the middle of quarantine. At that time we had yet to hear any whispers of re-opening the country, and we were all left with our own thoughts on how to get through it.
As is often the case, the melody and repeating theme of “Healing Heart” came to me that morning. I wrote down a skeleton framework, chewed on it through the afternoon, and fleshed it out and finished it that night.
Covid was already political by then, and I wanted to describe common themes that we all as people were dealing with: Isolation, uncertianty, fear, worries about getting sick, getting our loved ones sick, wanting to “do something” but not knowing what, financial pressure, depression, all of it. At that time, there was no light at the end of the tunnel, and I wanted to try to shine a light somewhere. Anywhere, really.
And now, with Black Lives Matter, and protests about racial injustice and the killing of black people at the hands of police sweeping the country and the globe, I hope this song can perhaps take on a slightly larger meaning. Right now, we need justice. But at some point, the time will come to begin to heal, and it’s my hope that this song speaks to that. We all could use a Healing Heart.